It isn’t long after making your monumental decision, to believe and receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, that you are introduced to the next step…to GO AND MAKE DISCIPLES (Matt. 28:19).
That is the MISSION of all followers of Jesus. ALL.
It is THIS goal that needs to compel all we do. It is WHY we evangelize the lost, introducing them to Jesus. It is WHY we put on the Armor of God to take our stand against the devil’s schemes. It is WHY we put this faith, given to us by God, into action through feeding the hungry, clothing the poor, taking care of widows and the fatherless, in addition to the myriads of other ways a disciple carries their cross in this fallen world.
By not answering the command to sanctification (John 14:21), or taking advantage of your right to BECOME a child of God (John 1:12), or taking your stand as a spiritual warrior that fights against the spirit-of-the-age (Ephesians 6:11), YOU ARE in danger of becoming that worthless servant that gets thrown into the outer darkness where “there is weeping and gnashing of teeth.” (Matt 15:30)
But you may not have been told (or challenged) to do this by the churches in Ada. You may have done a bible study but that is not "discipleship". The reality is that there are little to none mechanisms in place to have intentional one-on-one discipleship with a disciple-maker, that which facilitates the training for you to correctly put on the Armor of God. You have been given the sword of truth, but do you know how to use it?
If that is the case, The Disciplemakers are here to help you. The mission that Jesus gave us must be put into action if we are to have a strong local community! This is a critical component for the dark days ahead (Ephesians 6:13). Surely you can see that!
Please reach out to us for help in starting the authentic Christ-modeled discipleship which is commanded to be practiced in your church. Imagine if even one believer in your church is discipled and they become a disciple-maker over a season. Then you have two who will work to become four. Those four become eight…and so on. In a few years, you can have a congregation filled with authentic disciple-makers!
Imagine if all the churches in Ada did this! The spiritual strongholds of the devil that we have in the Ada neighborhoods and surrounding communities would not stand against that power of Christ (Matt. 16:18)! You want revival? It is intentional disciples of Jesus that will be filled with the Holy Spirit, not casual pew-sitters who mutter for that miraculous gift but with no action on their part.
This is the mission…will you help write the story?